I just read an article about a policeman who bought clean socks and boots for a homeless man.
This reminded me of a charity thing I have done for years now.
I raise money during the year and at this time of year and buy pajamas for our local homeless mission here. The reason why is because when a homeless many goes there to spend the night, they must shower, change into pajams before bed. Their clothing is taken and volunteers go in and wash, mend, fix or replace their clothing if need be.
We had a minister friend who went in for a week kind of like a secret shopper to live among the homeless and then he did a series of lovely sermons on how they are just like us and how we could easily be homeless except for God's gifts to us.
He also mentioned that they gave him mismatched pajamas that were too small and one of the pieces had a leopard skin print with tools on it. He said it was very humbling to have the homeless laugh when they saw him and how ridiculous he looked.
I felt like it was a tap on my shoulder and I have gotten pajamas every year this time.
I do not have that much money saved up and so I am offering this month to sell my story quilt book "Out of the Box" for $15. plus shipping to you. The book is normally $30. I pay half of that wholesale.
This would be a good way for me to get more money for more pajamas. It is cold and wet here and I am thankful I do not live in the street.
If you are interested in this book and doing story quilts (my favorite) you may order it through Marylouweidman.com
It will say the charge is $29.99 plus shipping but really since I fill the orders, it will be $15.
And please, if you know someone else who might like this book for half price in December, please tell them. That would mean more pj's and warm souls.
Merry Christmas friends,
If you have a warm house, food in your cupboards, a warm bed, give thanks for your many blessings. We are so very lucky,
Mary Lou
NOTE- PAJAMAS would be happily taken here...size large or x large is what they need the most
Get some kleenex and watch this...
This blog is meant to be a place to come and enjoy quilts with color, easy piecing, story quilts, laughter with a joke or two, a little wisdom,stories with sentiment, an editorial or two,encouragement to pay it forward, the idea that NICE is a good thing, some crafts, family, friends work, some painting, cooking and decorating and alot of creativity and invention from Mary Lou who is an author, designer, teacher, quilter, and Grandma- CORRECT email- Lattegirl@aol.com
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
GREAT news, he is cancer Free!
Dear wonderful friends,
Thank you so very sincerely for your prayers, notes and good thoughts to us while we went through Mark's prostate cancer.
We went to the Dr. today and he was pronounced cancer free. He will be checked every three months next year but we feel so thankful and are not borrowing any trouble. He will return to work on January 1st.
He and I were both so happy with the news, we came home and both took a nap. Whew.
I am so thankful for each of you and sincerely want to say "thank you" again. Now I can do a story quilt about this event. I kind of have it pictured in my mind. Want to do us as a couple and some things about us (embroidered) on each side plus our wedding date etc., and some things both good and bad that we went through together. :0)
It is going to be a HAPPY quilt.
Thanks again.
Please think about doing a story quilt about your life...I am so happy with my little inventory of my life and having it on quilts for a long time as a diary of my life.
I still have room for my Idaho retreat this coming summer in June and also I am teaching here and there this coming year. Would love to inspire creativity to you and get your inner artist to come out and play.
This Christmas holiday is going to be delightful for us!
Thank you so very sincerely for your prayers, notes and good thoughts to us while we went through Mark's prostate cancer.
We went to the Dr. today and he was pronounced cancer free. He will be checked every three months next year but we feel so thankful and are not borrowing any trouble. He will return to work on January 1st.
He and I were both so happy with the news, we came home and both took a nap. Whew.
I am so thankful for each of you and sincerely want to say "thank you" again. Now I can do a story quilt about this event. I kind of have it pictured in my mind. Want to do us as a couple and some things about us (embroidered) on each side plus our wedding date etc., and some things both good and bad that we went through together. :0)
It is going to be a HAPPY quilt.
Thanks again.
Please think about doing a story quilt about your life...I am so happy with my little inventory of my life and having it on quilts for a long time as a diary of my life.
I still have room for my Idaho retreat this coming summer in June and also I am teaching here and there this coming year. Would love to inspire creativity to you and get your inner artist to come out and play.
This Christmas holiday is going to be delightful for us!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Friends, I am thankful for you this year and so much more. I am waiting to see if Mark gets to come home today. I have two turkey tv dinners and an apple pie my dear daughter brought over in case.
Since I am home alone it has given me the quiet chance to list my many blessings and remember Thanksgivings in the past. I can almost smell those smells that I cook and bake every year and I am thinking of all of you somewhere with friends or family and nice food, nice people and many blessings. Love YOU, Mary Lou
Since I am home alone it has given me the quiet chance to list my many blessings and remember Thanksgivings in the past. I can almost smell those smells that I cook and bake every year and I am thinking of all of you somewhere with friends or family and nice food, nice people and many blessings. Love YOU, Mary Lou
Monday, November 19, 2012
Professional Photos are Always Better than mine.....Please do a Story Quilt
Well, I had put it off but today I finally got some professional photos of three of my quilts and that is always so much fun! Love being able to see them from a distance and see how the color and stories play on each other. I am quite happy that I am leaving a legacy of my life and things I have seen, places I have been and people I know.
Here is a closeup of the Sante Fe quilt. I want to redo one window that has my friend Molly in it. A Desk collapsed while she was working and it had a huge armoir with lots of Mexican pots and I thought she was probably dead from the sounds of it. The images don't make it that clear and so I want her arm in there and some words.
When I have gone the last couple of times to Sante Fe, Molly has met me there and we have worked on quilts and gone and seen artwork and enjoyed the wonderful food that is so delicious there. people are friendly and the colors are wonderful. Since I am such a color junky, I just get so excited about working on things there. Thankfully, a darling girl named Holly sent me a box of milagros and other things to sew on this quilt. I am hooked and now am doing a day of the dead quilt. My friend Candy Woods sent me some of here leftovers from her quilt...such fun!
Here is my Pacific Grove quilt. I adore Pacific Grove and I have a house on the quilt that says "lotto" house because it is my dream to win the money to buy a home there.
Everything in Pacific Grove is lovely and wonderful...the people, the flowers and plants, the ocean, the restaurants, the smells and of coarse Asilomar (Empty Spools) where I teach every year. It is right on the ocean and in my mind, EVERY quilter should go there at least once. It is heaven for quilters as they get five days with one instructor, nighttime programs with at least 10 different teachers so you can see what they do, a built in quilt shop on site (Fabric Patch -Layfayette,CA), a courtesy van that takes you into downtown and drops you off and picks you up so you can go to shop, dinner or walk the beautiful streets and see the architexture. The other cool thing is they will take you on 17 mile drive (Pebble Beach) and then into Carmel by the Sea to shop and see how beautiful it is. It is wonderful there and as for me, the place has gotten into my soul. It is the perfect place to be creative and meet fabulous new friends from all over. I get giddy every year when I go there. I keep remembering new things to add to this quilt as in names of people and places to visit.
Hope you also enjoy going there and if you haven't been there, you plan on going. They have a website "Emptyspoolsseminars.com"
Many years ago the Methodists came there and founded Pacific Grove...then the Episcopalians came and beat them in building the first church. The FishWife is a well known restarant within walking distance of your classes and it is delicious food. You get all of your meals included but I usually sneak out once or twice for a nice dinner in one of the many restaurants. Peppers (see the right hand door?) is a Mexican Restaurant that is delicious and across from one of my favorite shops and around the corner from Back Porch (quilt shop).
On another note, I did want to mention that my husband is having cancer surgery tomorrow morning at 8:30. We would welcome prayers and good wishes our way. We are hoping he will get to come home on Thanksgiving. That would be a very nice thing for our family. I bought a couple of turkeyTV dinners to have one hand for when I get home.
I am hoping you have many things to be thankful for this year.
I am thankful that you came to see my quilts and read what I have to share.
I hope for you, that you have many new blessings this year and in the year to come. Remember to count them and they grow.
Thank YOU
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thought I would add a couple of easy piecing samples from my workshops. Fabric and fun make for great quilts! I just finished a Pacific Grove quilt and am having it photographed on Monday...stay tuned, can wait to see it finally done!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Happy Veteran's Day and "stuff"
Here is the soldier I loved....My Dad who served in WWII and had a nervous breakdown during the war so had an honorable discharge. He was plagued the rest of his life with fears and sad memories but he was a good Father, a Good husband and an amazing artist who loved reading of places far away and of beauty and honor.
I miss him and I think of him during this weekend and last week on Nov. 9th when it was his birthday and my Mom's-they were born on the same day. :0)
I appreciate every man and woman who serve for us so that we may have peace and live safely. I also appreciate the families of those who serve us. Thank you all.
LOOK at this-warning, get some kleenex

We have had some pretty cool blocks in my swap group and I wanted to share this owl. A couple of years ago we swapped owls and this owl swap was a huge success...I am not sure whose owl this one was but it sure is cute!
Owls seem like a good idea this time of year....
Stay tuned as I plan to give the pattern in the new Hoochy Book I am working on....
I miss him and I think of him during this weekend and last week on Nov. 9th when it was his birthday and my Mom's-they were born on the same day. :0)
I appreciate every man and woman who serve for us so that we may have peace and live safely. I also appreciate the families of those who serve us. Thank you all.
LOOK at this-warning, get some kleenex

We have had some pretty cool blocks in my swap group and I wanted to share this owl. A couple of years ago we swapped owls and this owl swap was a huge success...I am not sure whose owl this one was but it sure is cute!
Owls seem like a good idea this time of year....
Stay tuned as I plan to give the pattern in the new Hoochy Book I am working on....
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Cleaning out, Needle Holders from Dear Friends, New Workshops and November
So now that I have some time at home, I am cleaning out cupboards and drawers. I cleaned out my can cupboards this week and was sad to see how many outdated cans were in there. Now everything is clean and sorted and I love opening up the cupboard.
Next, I dumped out two dresser drawers on my livingroom floor to sort through my jewelry. I don't have naything worth much but I do have alot of colorful plastic and fun stuff that I wear on the road.
I loved these two colorful bracelets as they remind me of Africa or Mexico...
I have quite a selection of silk bracelets because the colors are so pretty. I also have a good selection on polka dot bracelets because they are always fun!
Look at this mess! Boxes and holders of all kinds waiting to be sorted....Necklaces and pins and bracelets are all excited to be sorted and put where they can be found easily....
I wanted to show you one of my nicest gifts. My friend Sue Cresse who I often talk about (she got into a car accident that rolled the car five times) does wonderful work. She is healing and it is harder for her but she always does quilts and projects that are fabulous. Here she made each friend in a group we belong to, one of these beautiful needle holders. I keep mine in a drawer by my sewing machine and I pull it out often to just look at it and think of Sue and her friend De who was alos in the accident and now has cancer. I pray for both of them that everything will be keen with them and we can have many many more fun times.
By the way, Sue has done two wonderful COW quilts for shows next year and one of them won her a beautiful ribbon. Now she is working on another one....me too!
I wanted to just post this photo because I cannot find the ones I need. I am working on a house workshop. I have been doing some really cool things with houses and want to show you how you can make neighborhood quilts that are one of a kind and awesome. I have some handouts for architecture and some ideas of fabrics that are TODAY for making cool quilts. Hope I meet you in one of these workshops!
My Mom and Dad were born on the same day and I have been thinking of how much they influenced me and how much I miss them. November is such a lovely month.
Just a little reminder this Thanksgiving month, if you see someone with no smile, share yours. People seem to share less and less and it is a blessing when you give or do anything for someone else. Let's make this November a really special one.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Mary Lou's Pacific Grove Quilt
We;;. I finally am done and ready to give this quilt to my quilter....you see I quilt by check. I started this a long time ago when I wanted to tell a story about the best things I like about Pacific Grove California where Asilomar is. I put on the best restaurants in town and things that are wonderful about it. I have gone for 17 years and most of those were twice a year. On this quilt I have a house marked that says "My Lotto House" because I believe that someday when I win the lottos I can move there and just sit and sew and enjoy everything about a town that I love called Pacific Grove. This now has three borders on it....it has lots of details and color and once I have the photographer take a photo of it, I will share it here.
I am jazzed about classes I will be teaching this year and I am hoping to get back to the Midwest and South more in the coming year.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Visiting Museums adds so much to our invention and our fun!
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for sale...who would've thought? Go to Houston...
I sincerely hope that these things from the Art Museum give you some ideas and inspirations for invention. After all, if you aren't inventing then you are just doing the same thing you have already done. :0)
Invention and trying new things helps our artist come and out and discover how clever she really is! It is so much fun!
Mel and I took the day Thursday before Market to see this Museum....wonderful stuff!
South American things....
Hallway boasted bright colored lights that changed with the time...very fun
There was a good screen that had all kind of images that changed if you sat there and watched....very cool
I was amazed that this famous painting was in Houston...so beautiful in person! It is called "The Peaceable Kingdom".
Here is a real jacket and below is the painting of a boy in this jacket...it was lovely to see them together!
Look at the beautiful face of this boy....loved it
Something a little modern since so many quilters are into Modern....
I love Picasso whom I studied back in art school and I really love the folk artist below who I have a movie of and can't recall his name now...senioritis...
Loved the angled lines of this guy below...so cool! And the LIGHT and shading...something that quilters need to learn to see and how to do....
Loved the femininity of this pretty lady...great colors and grayed reflection too
Jacob Lawrence was my favorite painter when I was in school...I still love his work!
Loved the looks of this pretty painting that looked so French to me.,...
We used to skate on ice when I was little and take our cleds out too....so fun
If you have spent any real time in Canada then you know about curling....my uncles and Grandparents used to play this...it is becoming more popular in the States...
Loved this sculture of a painter...reminded me of my Dad
And I am ending with a painting of my favorite color- cheddar in many shades....a great color to use with any blue, any turuoise and any purple for the perfect compliment! Haven't tried it? You should....ask the majority of my students. Once you take that class on color and fabric, you will never see fabric the same way again. It is fun teaching the secrets! :0)I sincerely hope that these things from the Art Museum give you some ideas and inspirations for invention. After all, if you aren't inventing then you are just doing the same thing you have already done. :0)
Invention and trying new things helps our artist come and out and discover how clever she really is! It is so much fun!
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