Drove over (without a coat) to my Mailbox and checked to see what mail I had.
SURPRISE! Two wonderful packages that made my Month!
Maybe I was tired, I don't know but I have been kind of down for a couple days since I got home. Maybe I have wayyyyy to much to do before I leave. Thankfully, my neighbor helps me get caught up on things and is so good natured about it!
Anyway, I got home and got my scissors out and opened up box number one from my Friend Sandy Fisher who comes to my retreats with her friend Wendy.
Look what she sent! I LOVE red with polka dots and isn't this tea pot the cutest???And two sizes of napkins...I see a tea party coming along soon!
This will go in my kitchen so well and everytime I see it, I will think of Sandy who was so very very thoughtful.
Thank you Sandy!
I opened up package number two and it was from Jamie Morton who took my last Asilomar workshop. Jamie makes darling dolls and now she is making darling pins!
She sent two for samples and I am passing this along to you girls who have a friend you might want to give an adorable gift to! Look how you could personalize it with hair color!
This looks like my friend and it has a pin on it and isn't the tiara great?!
Jamie does faces really well also.
This looks like a girl I know in New Zealand...isn't she cute? Wish you could see these in person!
Here is Jamie's card below....you can contact her for more info...love her stuff!
I am working on a John C.Campbell story quilt right now and this is the bottom right quarter of the quilt....I do love vegie gardens....rick rack grass in on it's way too...so fun!
Below is one of my watering can blocks for a swap...they were really fun and I made each one totally different....even more fun!
Isn't the photo below cute? Who do you suppose had the time to make this sweater????
I think you have to be older to enjoy this post below...remember the words "We're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue!?
Please make sure you look at what the Atlanta girls did below! All that sunshine must bring great talents!
Above is Sandy Appleby's story quilt that she made at my Idaho Retreat...see the ribbon? It is really so awesome and of coarse the colors are much better in person. Sandy is with the Bozeman guild where I just taught. She is a nurse and a wonderful person!
WOW that is some ribbon!
I have more photos from beautiful Bozeman, I need to get them off of my phone.
If you have not been to Montana, it is a must. Put it on your Bucket List....it is a fabulous place. Atlanta was 80 something and sunny and then I went to Bozeman and it was snowing. Both places have beauty and fun quilters!
I am so happy to be able to be with such great women. It is really an honor.
And I get to hear their stories which is the best part of all!
I leave you with these two thoughts....
Happiness Comes from Positive Action
REAL Love is the adbsence of judging others...
Have a great week!