Above are the darling cabins...aren't they perfect on the grounds of an old farm redone?
Above is the ferry to LaPointe-isn't this beautiful? Imagine this in October! I can smell the Fall air just looking at this beautiful photo!So, I wanted to point out that soon I will be doing a story quilt class that will be sure to be wonderful and different in many ways. First of all it is on Madeline Island which I understand from friends who have been there, that ist is pristine and lovely. The school itself is built on an old farm and it is an idealic setting. The happy part for me is that it is the beginning of October and I LOVE Autumn and all of the things that make it special. Color, memories of leaves, pumpkins, Jack Frost, black cats, witches, ghosts and the many costumes that kids wear as they go out for candy to fill their bags....remember? I do. Bobbing for apples and caramel apples and I remember taffy pulls at girlfriends houses. Scarecrows...so many ideas for those! Thanksgiving ideas and pilrims, turkeys walking around, Indian corn with it's beautiful colors (so cool to piece this-I will show you), corn husks, pumpkins, gourds and squash and all of the beautiful leaves again and the colors...the wonderful colors. I will bring hoochy patterns for gourds and pumpkins to show to the students to get in the Autumn mood and bring a scarecrow quilt both boy and girl! These story quilts tell about YOU and what you love about Fall or anytime of the year. I will be bringing some ideas for piecing and embellishments and how to start a great scarecrow (more ideas) and piecing pumpkins and houses and the fun that a little fabric and other bits can bring for a sensational story quilt.
Remember the idea of this is that in 80 years people will know something about YOU and how you celebrate this time of year or simple celebrate in a daily way by building a quilt that is a one of a kind piece.Come and meet other quilters and see what I have that is a new idea (I always have lots). Some of these ideas I have never shown and you will love how fun and easy they are. It is always fun to get to know other quilters and the way I teach these longer workshops, you will make new friends and they will know you and you them as we share the many things that will make this a memory of a wonderful time in a wonderful time of year! Please come and join us on Madeline Island.
Sounds like a wonderful workshop, great place and great time of year to enjoy it.
Hi Mary Lou-
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to start our fall swap in the yahoo group. I love your description of fall and all the things that go with it. Your Cow Town Cow is soooooo cute!!! I love it!! I have your book up for a give-away on my blog. I can see you are busy as usual sewing on future projects.
Oh gosh your new book is so fun, I just had to have it when I saw everyone in blog land talking about. so believe it or not I have no idea what a block swap is......can you explain it?
ReplyDeleteHappy sewing and thanks for all the new inspiration from " Out of the box"