Friday, August 19, 2011

Holy Cow MEL is A fun friend!

So I am with Mel this week sewing and planning and having fun. I worked on three cows and am now putting together the background for a story quilt about an aunt and uncle. So much fabric to sew and never enough time.
The quilt at the beginning is Mel with one of her cow quilts. So cute and fun. The alphabet is in the new book as well as the cow and instructions on pieced backgrounds for fun.
The second photo is of Mel at Bothell County Village where e bought lots of fabric and enjoyed the silly chicken.I am itching to do another chicken quilt....maybe a hoochy one.
The last photo is of Mel at her sewing machine...I can't tell if she has something in her mouth or it i the sunlight behind her. In any case she is fun to be with an sew with as are the other cupcakes.
Hope you are enjoying creativity in some way today!


  1. The more I see, the more I think I need this book. :) I love the big chicken, and.. I thought that was a pencil in her mouth.. until you mentioned the sun. ??

  2. I also need that book! How fun!

  3. So cute - I'm working on cows now. It's so much fun!

  4. I think you guys have just way too much fun!!! :0)

  5. So glad the cupcakes are having such a great time! Mel looks so cute! If that isn't sunshine, we could say it is a piece of stray/hay from the cow barn. :-P

    Hey, if there was a funky chicken, we definitely should have a hoochy chicken, too! ;-)

  6. This all looks like soooooo much fun! Keep enjoying!

  7. LOVE THIS BOOK!!! oops, was that too loud? :>)
