! It has snowed here a lot and my poor chickens lost the netting roof from the weight of the snow. It is hard t go out there and duck down to bring food and water to my Girl's. On the other hand I get five eggs everyday and sometimes six. They all put t me as soon as I turn on kitchen lights in the morning. I am working on new Christmas tree quilts and chickens are one of the themes!
Each year I save money from my book and pattern sales and I purchase pajamas for the homeless men who go to the Mission here. We call it "Jammies for Jimmy's." This year I bought 58 pair of pajamas at Penny's. I took the bags to the Mission and a very nice man got a shopping basket and we filled it and another man carried two of the bags we could not get in. He asked what I had in the bags and I told him "warm pajamas" to give comfort to men who were cold and needed a break. He got teary and told me he was one of those men and now he is clean and knows not to make poor decisions. I grabbed his hand and thanked him for helping others. It blessed me again this year. This is what Christmas is about. We are blessed to be a blessing.
Christmas Day before we ate the strata breakfast, we gathered around the snowman for a family photo. Then we ate breakfast and everyone went skiing. I stayed home and quilted. We all did what we loved! Great day filled with love.
I am working on a new Christmas tree quilt for another example for my classes. I knew it needed a chicken and I also did a rooster. Hee hee.
If you want to take a fun class the Christmas tree class could be for you! You can make it styled to your own memories. This class needs to be two days.
If you want to make an easy cookie style snack I love these.
Place a small pretzel on a silicone lined baking pan. Add a rolo candy on top and put in a 350 degree oven four minutes or until they are soft but not melted totally. Take out of oven and squish a whole pecan onto the top. Cool and enjoy!
Connie my neighbor gave me a darling garland of wool. Thought it would make a great scarf. Fun to do something inventive and whimsical! 

My Folk art fish made of wool and buttons will be taught at Paducah too. Lots of creative classes coming up in 2016.
I will be teaching Flower Power and StoryvQuilts in Florida next month. Lots of creative fun and color in the sunshine. Great fun!
Meet in the New Year. Life is good and 2016 is going to be a great year!