Congrats to these four people-
Crazy for Art, Julietose, DianeP, and
Az cupcake! Please email me your snail mail Address for a prize!
I am working on a simple and fun color book. My friend who works for the post office sent this to me. I have an appointment tomorrow to get ready to reprint patterns and new books. Will
Be ready the first of the year.
Would love any ideas for something you would like in the color book!
I have been teaching non stop and honestly have had so much fun seeing what Girl's create with this easy piecing technique! The angel out of wool on the bottom was a class I taught and she has a pocket to put treats in fir Grabdchildren visiting I. The guest room or their own rooms. This pocket could hold hair clips, socks, little dolls, cars, and doodads.
This was a block by Troy- he said it was a hula girl with palm tree. Many girls thought it was star wars driven and was a guy with a light saber. What do you see?
Above- Happy Susie with her name tag! Fun!I taught the Wreath and Christmas tree class in Las Vegas. Lots of creativity And invention in both cotton and wool! So much fun!