Monday, February 13, 2017

Oh I almost forgot!

 I love this sign. I have had it for many years. Many of you probably do not know I painted rodeo signs at one time in my life haha. I have done many signs in my day and lots of paintings etc. Lots of art work. 
This sign hangs above the door that goes into my studio. 
 Next to the door into my studio. Love the metal flowers. Makes me happy!
 Cute things in my studio that make me happy to be in there!
 A little place to sit and think.  What is better than red shoes and red chairs? 
The chicken is Navajo from New Mexico. 
 My friend Wendy sent me this note pad. I love anything chicken!
 This is the other side of my retail. It has a work table for painting and when I teach classes. Plus another cutting table behind it. I wanted to show the darling hanging my friend Molly made for me when I found out I had cancer. Seemed like good luck to hang it in the studio! The star is a measurement gadget and Inusually have it in the star shape. My friend Linda gave this to me when she came to Farm Chicks and my retreat one year. I love it.
 I dug out two quilts I started and ironed them and put a head and a hat on the one on the left. I am adding a vegetable garden to both and perhaps trees. It will grow as I start sewing. Fun.
  Above is a story quilt I made.
I have two openings in my Asilomar class. You can sign up at
I will be teaching Story Quilts and each student gets their very own real and beautiful tiara. I have done this for a long time and love sharing this with my students! If you want to tell a story about you or someone you love, this is the class for you!!
Also I am so excited that the series Infid for Quilting Arts is out. Check your local station for this program! I am in this three times and will be on television. If you would like to order the series (that has lots of great ideas and teachers) then go to Quilting Arts online. 
Also Inwill have an article about Self Portrait Quilts in the May issue of Quilting Arts.
If you guild wants a great workshop, this is fun and has great results!! 
 The views out my windows 
It has been a tough winter this year and normally Intesch in warmer places this time of year. I decided to not teach so I could be home to sort and get my studio ready.  I have had it with snow and ice. 
 I am going to close with this darling little girl. This is how I feel when I sit down to sew! What fun!! 
      I decided today that I am going to include a paper inside my new book that will tell you how to sign up for the block of the month club. Will be doing a simple kit to mail out and a challenge with the page number on it. I have some fun ideas!
       Hope you are warm and upbeat and happy! Turn off the news and concentrate on how you can be a light in your world and give a hand up to someone who needs it!


  1. I love your new studio! What is the title of the new book? A BOM sounds like fun!

  2. Thank you, Mary Lou, for the new pictures of your studio/store. It looks like a fun, creative place to be!

    I definitely look for you on Quilting Arts, but haven't seen you yet. Have my 95-year-old Aunt staying with me as she recuperates from pneumonia, so I don't always get to watch.

    Hope you have a fun and wonderful Winter!

  3. I'm in love with your studio and the décor is just perfect. I also love your spirit -- you are always upbeat and sweet. I am also a Facebook friend to you and your kindness always shines through. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics. God bless you!

  4. Marylou - I really enjoyed this post! The advice you give at the end was the best of all. I have found it very difficult to create any artwork since the changes in our government took place.The picture of the little girl is priceless. Looking forward to your Block-of-the-month. Many thanks!

  5. Our snow is melting away and blue skies are upon us again after the rain helped the melt.

    I'm so looking forward to your new book Mary Lou to see what new inspirations and ideas you have to share with us.

    I've got one of those foldeing rulers and have fun making different shapes with it also!

    Keep smiling and creating, your studio is coming together nicely?
