Monday, December 26, 2011

Are these the colors you imagine to create something wonderful from?

Hey! Where is my red? What do you think of these colors?


  1. I really like those colors - it's sort of surprising because I actually like all of them together!

  2. Hi Mary Lou,
    Love those colors. Your "other" blog has 3 potted flowers on a blue similar to this one...very cool looking.
    And there's no reason you can't toss some red in, too!
    Vicky F
    In snowless Michigan

  3. I like them, but find them a bit on the grey side of the palette.

    Tangerine Taco, Cockatoo, Sweet Lilac and if it was brighter Solar Power are the ones I lean to the most.

  4. Looks like it'll be the year of Tropical Quilts! Looks like a Tiki Bar for me.
